Beer stealing pig gets cut off at own bar after head-butting customers

It seems pretty clear that pigs don’t handle their alcohol too well. After an intoxicated wild hog in Australia attacked a cow, we now found an example from England. In a pub in South London a micro-pig was given a lifelong alcohol ban after it started head-butting customers in an attempt to get their drinks.…

11 funny pictures of drunk animals

Today we saw a tweet on Twitter that we are the only living creature that smash ourselves with tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Well, I have seen monkeys smoking and a horse eating marihuana plants but the alcohol part is for sure completely natural. Scientists already discovered long ago that alcohol plays an important part in…

Deer trashes liquor store in Massachusetts

Some people in the town Weymouth in the American state Massachusetts who were just doing some alcohol shopping got themselves a little adventure last Tuesday. A deer came crashing through the front window of the local Quick 6 Liquors. In it’s panic to get back out again the animal made people dodging out of it’s…