5 Reasons why Alcoholics Anonymous sucks

There’s a large grey area between moderate drinking and an alcohol problem. But not for Alcoholics Anonymous.

Here’s a post about a hideous cult called Alcoholics Anonymous. This organization that says it wants to help people with problems is a real wolf in sheep’s clothes. We would never deny that alcohol can contribute in the destruction of people’s lives, but in most cases people are just made to believe they have an alcohol problem by the same group that claims they can help them. AA is a cancer that runs through modern society. We once mentioned them in our post of the 7 modern supervillains, but it’s high time we go a little deeper. Time to show how dirty Alcoholics Anonymous really operates with 5 easy points.

1. AA tells you that you are powerless over alcohol
From the first time someone joins Alcoholics Anonymous this person is forced to lie to him- or herself. The first step of the AA program is to admit you are powerless over alcohol and your life has become unmanageable. This is of course the biggest bullshit. Just because you have no control over your drinking and life got out of hand, doesn’t mean you can’t learn how to get control again. Instead of giving you handy tips of how to manage your life better, you are told that you have a horrible disease. Besides the fact that this is highly confronting and depressing for most people it’s also very much untrue. The main reason heavy drinkers slip away is because societies can be extremely judgemental. One can be talented, social and skillful, but still be labeled an alcoholic and end up isolated and depressed. So don’t call them powerless, for it’s all those other people who lack the power to look further than someone’s drinking habbits.

2. AA is a religious cult
According to Alcoholics Anonymous only a higher power can restore your sanity. And not just any deity, but the man who turned water into wine: Jesus Christ. No less than 5 of the 12 steps from the AA program are directly linked to Christian religion. That makes Alcoholics Anonymous a religious cult, that uses alcohol related problems as a tool to win souls for the church. Now there is nothing wrong with being a Christian or supporting other forms of religion, but let that be a decision made from the heart. Not because some jokers say you have a horrible disease that can only be cured by worshipping their god.

3. AA makes people quit completely
As a result of the statement that you are powerless over alcohol the only solution according to Alcoholics Anonymous is to stay completely abstinent for the rest of your life. Of course we are not going to advocate that people with 90% liver failure should continue binge drinking, but all kinds of people join AA. There is a huge grey area between moderate drinkers and raging alcoholics. People with a few cases of driving under the influence of alcohol, people who got into a drunken bar fight, people who got fired after the office Christmas party got out of hand. These people don’t need abstinence, they just need to learn to control their actions a bit better when they drink.

4. AA brainswashes people
The result of our first 3 points from this list is that people are completely brainwashed by Alcoholics Anonymous. They believe that their taste for booze is a horrible disease that they have no power over. In their little cult they hear each week how many days the other members have been “clean”. Which strengthens them in their belief that they too should stay completely abstinent. If they fail they feel like they dissapointed the rest of the group and of course God. Avoiding even a single sip of alcohol becomes an unhealthy obsession. No wonder so many people fall in even greater depressions or commit suicide when they have a little relapse.

5. AA turns people into missionaries
A very annoying side result is that members of Alcoholics Anonymous force their new beliefs onto other people, as they are told by the 12th and final step of the program. With that they are a great catalyst for the judgemental socities as described earlier. These AA missionaries keep the vicious circle that leads to more isolated and depressed people alive, and recruit new members for their hideous cult. Most people that are labeled as alcoholics are not sick mentally or physically and would function perfect in society if people just let them. Instead of making them stronger by teaching how to manage or control their vices, we do the opposite and tell them they are powerless. Great job AA.

Micky Bumbar

60 thoughts on “5 Reasons why Alcoholics Anonymous sucks

  1. alcohol is a bad drug for too many witless souls out there who are oblivious to the danger they are posing for themselves and others. Yes, moderation is good for those with sensible judgement (not enough of those) but I would rather this organization continue to preach all they want. Thousands of lives are lost every year and if the preaching saves lives, I can overlook the flaws in their program.

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    • Mehhh it’s a shitty organization that isn’t slightly trying to help. No matter how bad someone’s addiction it’s never an excuse for complete brainwashing. Let the people be who they are. From there on you can try to help them develope themselves.

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      • Hi, Micky… And Cheers! In an ironic twist, I just moved into a new apartment and my porch looks across the street to an AA ‘club.’ So now I can sit and have a few cold ones while not quite feeling sorry for the schmucks who bought into the propaganda.

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      • Or you’re a shitty person who wants to continue being one and thinks drugs and alcohol don’t kill people and ruin millions of lives. ?
        AA is not perfect but tells you to do nothing. All are merely suggestions for a better way to live sober. Some of us love it and are better people for it. It would be a good thing if we didn’t exist, is that what you are preaching? WOW. Some really are sicker than others. We’re always here when you want to stop being a narcissistic dick and learn how to be a decent human being instead of a successful , insufferable drunk.
        assHOLE. Take your dumb post down, you are ruining lives with this, not helping.

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      • Ah that’s so polite. And then you have the nerves to call me the asshole haha… I think you sound quite tense. Perhaps you should pour yourself a drink to take the edge off. Cheers!

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      • I could not disagree more, . . .I used the lessons of the 12 steps of AA to completely change my life and regain control and peace of mind almost 34 years ago. No one ever told me I had to quit forever, no one ever told me how to conduct my life. I was a regular attendee at meetings for five years, and sporadically for a few years afterwards. Eventually my life became full of other positive things that replaced AA. Any self help program can be misconstrued as a cult, but that is more a reflection on the weaker minded who cannot think for themselves than a verifiable indictment of ‘the program’. I used AA to save my own life and yes it is undoubtedly a spiritual program that is absolutely true, BUT the spirituality found through the 12 steps is intended to be of the individual’s OWN creation or discovery, not any established religion. The writer of this article just does not understand. AA is not for everyone, but it is a very, very helpful and positive program and I am living proof of it.


      • Micky,

        Your article on AA, while misinformed, is a good thing because it sparked a dialogue on here. You’re probably tired of hearing sanctimonious responses, so that’s not what this is. You’re certainly entitled to your opinion. But I’d like to know if you’ve learned anything about AA since writing the article and then reading the responses? AA neither opposes nor engages in any controversy.

        My question is, why do you dislike AA? What was your reason to bash the program? Did someone in AA hurt your feelings? Has someone tried to tell you that you drink too much? Has it caused any problems in your life? Or was the article done without malice, a tongue-in-cheek piece, or was it perhaps satire. In other words, are you serious? There are many ways to get sober. After all, drinking is not a requirement in life, or do you think it is? AA does not oppose drinking.

        If the 18th Amendment were on the table today, AA would not vote for it or against it. That’s not what we’re about. Did you think we oppose drinking? We do not, but I can see why some people think that. It’s perfectly fine for people who can handle it. Isn’t that your point? If there are people who cannot handle alcohol–and I assume you will agree there are some pretty gruesome stories about people who drink themselves to death, kill other people in auto accidents or in a drunken rage–AA is not a bad thing. They always have free will. But there are at least thousands if not millions of people worldwide who would say, “AA saved my life.” It wasn’t just AA, however. Many got help outside the rooms of AA by seeking help with psychological issues, going to church where you must admit there are many good people, or just deciding to quit by using their own willpower. That’s great! So drink on, my friend!

        There might be people in AA who tell you to stop drinking, but AA itself would never tell anyone to stop drinking. We don’t tell anybody what to do, only suggest. In fact, the courts throughout the land send people to AA and you can look that up. They come with what we call court slips to get them signed. Some meetings won’t sign them because they don’t want to create a perception that we are in collusion with the legal system. We are not. It may appear that the judge is sentencing people to AA, and there are some judges who might even believe they are doing that. But they do not have the power to force someone to come to AA. It’s easy enough to forge such documents. No way to prove someone actually came to a meeting unless they are followed there by a parole officer. We welcome EVERYONE (except for a minority of meetings that are closed to other than those who consider themselves alcoholic because we respect privacy. It’s called anonymity because there is still shame connected to those who can’t handle their liquor). Don’t you think that’s interesting?

        Would the courts, judges, and lawyers (many of them attorneys for the non-alcoholics who got caught for a third, fourth, fifth or even tenth time and beyond times driving while drunk) recommend something dastardly to people they are trying to help?

        One last point: You don’t believe alcohol is a disease. I’m wondering why then it is listed as such in our Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders? How many other diseases are listed in the DSM that you don’t believe are actually a sickness.

        I’d love to hear some answers to these questions if you have the time.


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      • With all due respect, your five part critique of AA demonstrates a completely uninformed, ignorant and self-serving position on the matter…


    • Yet it still is legal and sold on every corner. If it was such a big issue why not make it illegal like they banned weed however no deaths have ever been linked to it but the goverment cannot profit from it. It is not something that should be legal but then to turn it into the persons fault when its promoted so much is ignorant and propergander. The blame should not be on individuals that over do it but the shops that sell it


  2. We do not wish to go from one extreme to the other: from alcoholic to teetotaler. The first kills one; the second is often an impossibility. The wisdom to drink responsibly and moderately is more easier said than done.

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    • Well it’s worth aiming for. And in my opinion one doesn’t do that by starting off with the thought that you’re powerless and you have to lay your faith in God’s hands. People are a lot stronger than you think if you give them some credit and respect.

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    • AA does not aim to brainwash anyone, it’s totally a voluntary fellowship where the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. We don’t force that choice, you have to make that one yourself. We don’t label people alcoholics, you have to come to that conclusion yourself. Now if a person is homeless, jobless, list their family and more as a result of alcohol how can they not admit that they are powerless and their lives unmanageable? Many have been in those situations and now are not, do how can you sit at your computer and bash a fellowship that actually works and help where others wouldn’t? As far as God is concerned, there are many atheists in AA that are of great help, and religion isn’t forced on you but suggested that you find something greater than you to help you since you did such a great job on your own. It’s a personal choice but suggested. You also failed to mention that we do personal housecleaning of our wrong doings and people we’ve hurt or killed as a result of alcohol and how we help people cope and come to terms with them and even make amends where possible. Don’t trash a program that saves lives but rather does that don’t, will make you look better.


      • Mehhhh it is a nice reply I’ll give you that. But I stand with my beliefs. It’s perfectly possible to function in society as a heavy drinker if people just let us.


    • Sober for almost 41 years…..Not impossible, but for me impossible without AA. Addiction makes it impossible for me to drink in moderation. Not a question of weak or strong. I have never claimed to be a social drinker not do I understand why anyone would want to be.

      And to Micky, I don’t see how not drinking, believing in a God of your understanding and helping other is a bad thing.


  3. I find your attack on AA irresponsible.
    If you’ve ever met people who are alcoholics then maybe you’d understand it is a very corrosive disease that not only afflicts the individual – but all those related to that individual.
    The AA is one of many organisations that help people in trouble.
    It has helped some of my family.
    Without the AA they may not have survived.


    • Indeed sir. I consider myself a drinker, a drunkard or a Bohemian, but for sure no alcoholic. I think very few people are really powerless. But with an attitude like AA is preaching you’ll never gain any willpower.


  4. AA is garbage but what would you expect from a religious organization trying to pose as a medical organization.
    There are already effective medical based alcoholism treatments such as the Sinclair Method.


  5. I agree with you, Micky. For years I have labeled an “alcoholic” by people who love to judge others. Why? I work overnight, so I drink in their morning, my evening. They’d rather I drink when they do, which would be right before I go to work. Additionally, I drink alone (well, the dog is home…does that count?). That’s because the roommates are all at work. So to them, I’m an alcoholic, even though I’ve never list a job, had a DUI, etc. And yes, AA is a religious organization who insists that you are absolutely helpless to change your situation without “God.” I totally disagree with their agenda. Thank you for being a voice of rationality! Salud!

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    • Glad to be of service Sean. Keep doing what you love. If you like to drink and you function well in society nobody has the right to judge you. If people have a problem with your drinking, maybe the problem lays with them cause they bow down to judgemental society and wish they had your strength to just do what you love no matter what others think. Maybe you should gather some drinkers and throw these poor souls an intervention for being party poopers.


      • Cheers to you, Micky! You’re absolutely right. If they don’t like it, fúck ’em. Especially the roommate, lol…who is actually my ex-wife. When it comes to the good stuff, she’s like “nope, we’re roommates!” When it comes to criticizing or judging (which is as certain as sunrise), THEN she wants to pretend we have a real relationship, lol. Keep up the awesome work..and remember to always finish your drink, there are kids in Africa going without…

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      • Hahaha that’s some fucked up situation you got over there. But you also gave some solid advice. Will do mate.


  6. Stumbled across this somehow. While I respect your beliefs and your right to express them it’s obvious you haven’t done any real research or truly understand how AA works.

    To quote you:
    “It’s perfectly possible to function in society as a heavy drinker if people just let us.”

    You are absolutely correct to a point. Your choice to drink heavily doesn’t mean that the rest of society should have to accept any short comings on your part as a result (being late or absent from work, driving drunk etc.).

    More importantly you are failing to recognize the difference between a “heavy drinker” and a true “alcoholic”. The “big book” of AA (and the group as a whole) are pretty clear there is a difference.

    A heavy drinker chooses to imbibe and has the ability to exert control when they want to. A true alcoholic has what is referred to in AA as an ‘allergy’ (meaning the body reacts in an adverse or abnormal way when exposed to something).

    That’s the major difference. A true alcoholic experiences the the phenomenon of craving (the abnormal reaction) whereas a heavy drinker does not (as most people can have a drink without immediately craving another after another). THAT is the reason for the ‘powelessness’ and reason for abstinence.

    For me personally I am an alcoholic. I not capable of having ‘just one’. I drink every day or not at all. There is no in between regardless of consequences. And for the record I’m not currently in AA (probably should be but I have a bit of a love/hate relationship there) and am what is considered to be a ‘functional alcoholic’. IE: I’m a woman who knocks back a 12-15 pack of beer every night but still manages to drag her ass to work (a mid level complex job, not some minimum wage convenience/retail job) more often than not.

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  7. As to the cult/religion aspect…again, do your research. AA does not advertise or recruit. If you find yourself at a an AA meeting it’s because you sought them out and It’s not mandatory to attend even after becoming a member. They didn’t come find you and recruit you to attend or brainwash you into being there. Being powerless over alcohol doesn’t make you a zombie or powerless to choose whether you want to go to AA or not (or choose some other treatment).

    The ‘higher power’ part is simple addressing the fact that if you want to stop drinking but are unable to do it yourself then you need to find something bigger than yourself to help you. It’s a higher power of your choosing. For some it’s god, for some it’s the support of having a group of people to lean on who understand but it can be anything that inspires or empowers you to reach your goal.

    The steps and literature do refer to God a lot because at the time of its original writing Christianity was the primary religion of the writers/founders and the general area. But again, it’s a God of your choosing (IF you have a religious faith) or it can also be whatever your higher power is if you aren’t religious. The non-religious tend to use the reference of god as an acronym such as “good orderly decisions” or something similar (ie: to rely on better judgement or decision making that what got them in trouble in the first place).

    If you’re a heavy drinker as you say you are but don’t feel like you an alcoholic then by all means continue doing what you’re doing. But take some responsibility when posting things and do some actual research before posting things. Not everyone is in the same boat as you. AA is not for everyone but it does a lot of good for those that need it. Maybe your heavy drinking has prompted people to suggest it to you but you don’t feel like it’s for you. That’s fine. It may not be. Nobody’s forcing you. But trashing something that has helped many people because it’s not right for you, and possibly discouraging people who could benefit from it…is just plain irresponsible and treating people like they are sheep. Next time try writing something that shows both sides, pros and cons, so people can make an informed decision.


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  8. I went to AA for a year. I sat there the whole time thinking “this ISN’T how I am. These aren’t my problems!” I do believe there are some people that belong there, but I didn’t. If you can’t stop drinking once you start, you might need the program. If you only drink certain drinks uncontrollably, or, your a girl, and certain times of the month are more of a problem, you might just need control, LOL. I would order a Sex on the Beach, or a White Russian and it tasted SO good I would finish it before the waitress even left the table and then order another. I went from being sober to ddrruunnkk before I even knew it. My friend insisted that I go to AA. After a very embarrassing weekend I agreed. The particular group that I belonged to said “if you’ve ever had a drink and enjoyed it, you’re an alcoholic.”What?! I finally figured out that it didn’t matter if it was a sweet drink or a jolly rancher candy. Sugar was my problem. I don’t drink wine the same way I drink a really sugary mixed drink, so I NEVER order a drink that tastes like candy. As soon as I feel a buzz, I stop for awhile. I found that a buzz actually lasts a long time without being nursed. I also found that it’s the heart, not the brain that loves God. I do thank the program because it was my bridge to God. Loving Him doesn’t mean giving up fun and drink. It just means thinking things through, deciding if it’s beneficial to you or hurting others. I found that when you’re on the outside looking in, it seems like you are giving up fun stuff. Once your in, you realize it’s actually freedom from behaviors that are holding you back. I love being a Christian. I have FREEDOM and REAL fun more now than ever before. We never want to do something that will hurt someone else. If your drinking does that then stop, it’s not worth it! Really, what’s so good about drinking that it’s worth someone else’s pain. If YOU have pain God will help you through it IF you ask Him. You might have to give up drinking temporarily so that you have a clear head to take direction. The most important thing is to have a healthy relationship with God, a healthy mind, a healthy body, and healthy relationships. How is that brainwashing?


    • Well if you feel happier now than you did when you were drinking that’s wonderful. Just don’t lay your standards and morals upon other people. I am a heavy drinker for 20 years now and still loving it. I despise how society treats decent and talented drinkers as if we are criminals. All through history it were the colorful drunk people who made our lives on Earth better, not the boring cunt next door who is the perfect neighbour cause you hardly notice him/her. Dare to live a little. Meet people, have some adventures.


    • Madden, I went to AA for five years, and I never heard anyone say anything remotely like “if you’ve ever had a drink and enjoyed it, you’re an alcoholic.” That makes no sense. People in AA sometimes have their own take on things, it’s best to just ignore that and seek out someone who has been around for a while or just read the literature. But there are really hardly any hard and fast rules like that. What would be the point of having a drink if you didn’t enjoy it??? And YOU, not anyone else, decides if you have a problem or not.

      I’m not in AA anymore, but despite the fact that I’m atheist and could not stand the religious aspect of it, it helped me stop drinking at a time when that is what I wanted to do. It’s very much what Nicole stated above, it boiled down to something else to do in the evenings (!) and supportive people. You can really make AA into almost whatever you need, take what you need and leave the rest, as they say.

      What I dislike about AA is the religious aspect, and please don’t say “spiritual not religious” to me. That is hogwash. There are groups that say *the Lord’s Prayer* and it’s very hard to stand outside a group when you are feeling vulnerable. I believe also there was a Supreme Court ruling in the U.S. that stated AA was unmistakably a religious organization. I also dislike its total abstinence culture, which disdains any kind of harm reduction. It makes people sanctimonious, and if you break abstinence and take a drink you don’t just go, “Oh well, just a drink, it’s not the end of the world” – you tend to think “OMG! I broke sobriety, I might as well finish the bottle!”

      Like Micky our host here, I’m into people doing whatever makes them happy! There are far too many angry, sour faces around, too many people hating people and judging them, life is way too short and is more often than not more difficult than we expect, people should support each other and recognize we’re all humans stuck on this crazy journey. There, I’m becoming a philosopher in my old age! 😉

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  9. Just a few points, AA is not a religious organization- it states so in its basic texts, usually read at every meeting. It’s in the big book. AA also encourages a person to find a relationship with a higher power of your own choosing. They promote no one particular faith. But to be fair, most people in the west are Christians and they’re annoying to those who are agnostic. AA has a chapter for agnostics, and are welcome too. Nobody in AA makes anybody stop drinking, it’s a self diagnosis. Only a true alcoholic can find this out for themselves. But if you truly come to find you are a real alcoholic, abstinence is key to clear the fog from the brain, get over the withdrawls of alcohol, do the steps and return to a productive life. No one in AA wants to ruin anyone’s fun or expect the rest of the world to stop drinking just because AA’ers do. Though it may seem that way from some of the stodgy big book thumpers. Every group has them. Please do carry on, and have a drink on me. Cheers!

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  10. If you enjoy being a heavy drinker and it has cost you nothing, great. AA isn’t for people that want to stay that way but to change. Just looking at the photo you chose is reason enough for me to not want to include alcohol is my life. Look how sad that appears. Alone in a bar, passed out, beers piled up in front of him. Imagine how much worse that would look if the person was a woman.

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    • Oooooor you just don’t give a shit how you are being seen. And just enjoy your life and let judgemental people gossip. Who cares?! 😀


  11. Great blog! Just discovered it. I agree 100% with your assessment of AA and the 12 steps. My experience is actually more with Al-Anon, which is a sister cult for spouses of drinkers to sit in a circle and complain about the drinker(s) in their life. My wife got sucked up into this, started going to meetings up to four nights a week, gone for three plus hours at a stretch. Huge surprise, but I discovered she had fallen in love with an older man in the group and was texting him non-stop bad mouthing me at all hours. Not too much time goes by, and she asks me to move out. Now, I’m a proud heavy drinker, but I’m also a devoted father. Why else does she leave the kids with me for three days every week now? I’m a happy, mellowed out drunk. All weekend the kids and I have fun times and make happy memories. I’ve taught them to ride bikes, swim, we go camping all the time, hikes in the woods. Of course I love my alcohol, but I’m responsible and know my limits. Never claimed to anyone that my drinking was healthy, but it’s my life. You can ask anyone who knows me. I work hard, never miss work. I manage a fucking kitchen for the homeless in my city for a living, so I’m much more than a worthless “drinking spouse”. But the 12 step dogma and all the negativity she got sucked into made it impossible for her to see me as anything but the root and source of all of her problems.

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  12. Greg, my wife was much the same. When she wanted a drink, it was great. If I wanted one, I was an alcoholic. There were times when we went to visit her family and I made myself the designated driver. Did that matter at all? Hell no. She “forgot” that I chose to not drink so that she could. In the end, we got divorced because I was an alcoholic and she wasn’t, even though she drank as much as I did. Now I’m single and happy. I drink when I want to, and it affects no one else.


  13. So, replying to a years old post and all….

    I agree completely with the cult thing. AA is basically Jehovah’s Witnesses or Scientology with Space Jesus or Elron or whatever subbed out for Bill Wilson. The people at the meetings are insufferable cultists. They have their little special feel good club and they use cult like tactics to brainwash and scare people into never leaving. I have been around several cults and seen people get sucked into them, AA works on all the same principles but at least they are kind enough to not steal all your money, just a dollar for the “donate or we’ll all stare at you” basket.

    It’s also not very positive environment in my experience. Very somber and reliant on shame. The whole sponsor/sponsee relationship is very similar to things I experienced in the churches I was forced to attend, it’s a power and control thing.

    Best of all, the cult members defend it like religious fanatics and don’t accept any counterarguements, just throw their hands up and get mad at you. This type of thinking is attractive to a certain subset of the human population.

    As an addict/abuser the only thing that worked for me was private therapy.

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  14. The majority of people in AA meetings have twisted incongruencies and they all follow negative patterns together like a herd. Examples: they will smile and be friendly when they are really full of bad vibes. Or they will be assigned the role of tye groups door greeter and be selectively unfriendly to some. They will be the groups sponsorship coordinator who oddly does not help you find a temp sponsor. They will ignore the newcomer and make them the least important person in the room, but then put into the meetings dialog that The newcomer is the most important. The list of these things just goes on and on forever.

    So you are sober, you chain smoke cigarettes, vape in churches, drink energy drinks all day long, you are prescribed pills for methadone, for anti depressants, and for anti-anxiety meds, plus you drink coffee and eat cookies and cake and really show not sincere plan to actually clean up what you ingest. They live in moms basement and have no job and they pursue no measurable achievements at all – yet they walk into a meeting room 5 times per day, reciting weird slogans and jingles, and they are treated like the are commemorated like a man of true knowledge.

    Why? Why is this program happening like it is? I will tell you:

    Because people are lonely. It is just insanity that anybody would spend 80% of their days talking about alcohol and many of these people haven’t drank for years or decades – and no the meetings and rituals and having your “Disease doing pushups in the Parking lot” it is not why. These people just quit drinking and now they are terminally lonely and for many of them the actual church people upstairs are just scared of them because AA’s are all social outcasts however you want to crack it. People just have less community today so they wind up in 12 step groups for booze or for drugs, for sex, for food, for coke, for whatever it is.

    The part that annoys me is all the Kool Aid they drink. Anybody who deviates is shunned. Then you would be an outcast amoungst outcasts.

    You can go into a meeting and share the most batty and insane share and that’s cool, but not if you challenge The Program and don’t drink every last drop of the Kool Aid.

    “You gotta get a sponsor” they harp about that on and on. All that means is “I don’t want to sponsor anybody unless it is a female!” They just do not admit all of them are lonely and looking to get laid so they sit there rehearsing self depreciating slogans in hopes of hooking a girl to get a date with somehow, but in the meantime I will act like I help guys too.

    AA’s will lie to themselves while lieing to other members while acting truthful and smiling while their whole world is melting down around them because 70% of their day revolves around sitting and stewing at meeting rooms.

    Take what you need and leave the rest.


  15. I went to AA meetings once or more a week for a few years. I did benefit from the experience and met some really nice people. But I finally broke with AA because I felt their main message to me (from the organization itself and from its members) was that I have “character defects” that lead me to drink. In other words, that I’m just a bad person. Each time I went to a meeting I came home feeling terrible about myself. And there wasn’t much I learned from AA as to specifically what I should do to stop drinking; it was just “stop it”.

    After leaving AA, my self esteem returned and I’ve reduced my consumption from a fifth of vodka per night to 3 or 4 shots a night. (A fifth is about 16 shots.) And I don’t drink every night anymore either.

    It’s true that excessive drinking is a really bad plan for the long run. But as with everything else, if used responsibly and in moderation alcohol isn’t necessarily a demon.


    • Sounds like you’re way better off without them. Glad you turned out well.


  16. I was in AA for 9 years. I was shamed for a relapse, had my anonymity breached countless times, gossiped about, I was told NO Atheist can EVER maintain sobriety, I was talked down to, 13th-stepped countless times, AA was truly awful and it IS about religion. They say it’s a God of your own understanding but heaven forbid you don’t find one, they lose their shit on you and tell you “to just keep coming back” AA makes my skin crawl. AND I was a flight attendant and went to meetings all over the country. I have been to over 3000 meetings nationwide so please don’t tell me about FUCKING AA. I know what I’m talking about. Micky, you rock.

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    • Thanks a lot, but I think you rock for having to deal with these horrible people and live on to expose them for who they are. Big respect!


  17. I was forced to attend AA due to multiple DWI arrests in my early 20s. Like you I found many flaws in the infrastructure found in ” these rooms” ( doesn’t that term make you want to retch?) However I found it more a place that worships time “sober” than Jesus and some nebulous thing called quality sobriety that nobody had a definitive definition what it was. I agree that unlike myself, I quit drinking in 92 because I needed to though I have participated in what these yahoos call marijuana maintenance when the mood sets me with no reverting back to alcohol that many people like yourself are forced to go and really have no need to be there. Best wishes

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  18. I was in and out of the rooms for 7 years and did step work and had a great sponsor the steps are great philosophical and moral principles to live by and there are some wonderful people but I can tell you there are some horrible megalomaniacs there and they ruin it for everyone. I have had 3 separate occasions where people decided to play God in my life and make CULT COMMUNISTIC decisions on my part. They have group consciences. Where my actions egregious certainly not and I can tell you first hand the entire story on both parts. Shall I in this thread? I don’t think it’s necessary to do so as I believe this post will be relatively even-handed considering how reactionary all of the above-posts are. The biggest piece of shit I have ever met in my life happened to be a devout member of AA. He was so revolting in a every possible way and while I made a stupid mistake that left myself open to him after provoking his ire he took that opportunity at the first remove to pay me back in kind with a lesson. I was put in jail. His decision to play god… my best friend killed himself and my daughter was born. I had the cops called on me twice on other occasion because people decided that it was for my own good that they had construed that I was going to harm myself without proper cause and I was certainly not. As if I would say something after my best friend did so? I would disgrace his memory by acting out instead of silently stepping out? The program is full of very sick people that simply NEED each other…if you fall out of the program they will never check in on you to see how you are doing. They don’t care about the newcomer they only do so because that’s what they are “supposed to do” that’s the 12th step. It’s programming. I called 100 people and maybe 4 called me back. I called people on the regular without them ever showing an interest in returning the favor. I am so happy with what I have done since I have completely separated myself from those sick people . Honestly now that I have gotten my life together I don’t need to replace my addiction with AA. They will tell themselves in secret that I am a dry drunk that I am biding my time for a relapse that I am secretly miserable but the truth is you take what you need and if you don’t need the Kool-aid then don’t drink it. I was fortunate to have one amazing sponsor who is unfortunately completely sucked into the whole program eternally and will never see the light of day and will always see me as a lost cause as I will view him as a great intelligent man he taught me more than I will ever need to know about the program and for that I am grateful more than I can ever repay him. There is a lot of great things there you can learn. CAVEAT EMPTOR! Remember it is not a place for intellectuals. T


  19. I just went to AA because I was sent by the Texas Justice System-Courts for DWI ‘s. We always drove around drinking a few beers the laws changed and it’s a no no now.I no alcoholic,don’t drink every week, not wake up shaking and need a drink,just a partier.
    As a Christian I can tell you AA is a Demonic organization .The founder Bill Wilson did Seances and consulted oija baords and was real into the occult.The AA Chips circle and triangle is taken from the occult, it is a very occult symbol.
    The recovery rate from alcohol was about 1-2%, a person could score drugs at AA, or NA, Narcotics Annonymous.
    There was a lot of “sleeping around”, married or not.They call it the 13TH Step, jokingly. The people were bad it feels as if they”rubbed off on me”. Maybe God created this Corona Virus to bust up AA Meetings,partially .
    Jesus said beware of False Teachers and Prophets, maybe he was talking in part about AA.

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    • You voted for Smirnoff so don’t tell me about occults. Real occults drink Stolichnaya before skiing down to Italia to sacrifice calves and truffle snorting pigs over blessed red wines. We were all drunk once before the life sober said we should not have bliss again. AA works for those it works, even good for those with no addictions. Lwave it to those to judge themselves and not to us that they have judged. Life is not about stress and even less about introducing stress to others. Go Home Charlie…..Smell the Flowers and Blow out the Candles!!!!!

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  20. I was in AA for years. All they care about is themselves, the organization,they Say “Principles Before Personalities”, that means AA is above the individual who is there to get sober.Thats. 100% Cult Thinking.
    Brainwashed people become rabid when you mention other avenues of addiction/alcohol treatment.Like I am supposed to be a free worker-servant for AA’s benefit.Also, it does not work. Everyday I hear about someone with a lot of sobriety who went back out. Recovery rate maybe 1%, or less worldwide.All Cults have a “Higher Power God Figure”, you are powerless, you need us, tell us all about yourself(4TH Step), alienate everyone not in AA, 9TH Step, recruit for the Cult 12Th Step, feel guilty when leaving the Cult. have sex within the Cult 13TH Step, get rid of anything ,or anyone(family,friends) that get in the way of your recovery in the cult.I never knew what a Blackout, or resentment was until I heard them described in meetings and then I started having them! Christian Organization? Bill Wilson was into Oija Boards and Seances, Circle and Triangle symbol of AA taken from the occult,look it up!

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    • Sorry you had to live through that mate. Good to hear your eyes are open now. Wish you all the best in life.


    • I would add…..what is ‘rock bottom”? What if “rock bottom” is what sent me into addiction? Then I join AA, go “out”(use again) and get shunned. Is this my new, organizationally created “rock bottom”? I was told my an elder, xx years of “sobriety” that I “don’t belong here, you’re not one of us”. I almost kicked him in his throat but didn’t, instead I walkedout and never returned. I put his “sobriety” in parentheses b/c some of them may be sober of alcohol while drunk on some self preserving power and respect structure that I smelled up close and pervasively.


  21. Fact – AA has a 5%-8% success rate for all that enter their doors. That should tell you something. I have gone…..I am a born again Christian…I felt I needed to keep my guard up with everyone in AA…I’ve been hurt by many people in AA, made friends with some that I thought would last, but they didn’t. I find the men wanting to flirt all the time and the women judging eachother…like being at a sober bar really. I’ve had people tell my their opinion of me … i dress up and I’m very fashionable, corporate and sometime casual. I am always being judged….when does it end?


  22. I bounced in and out of AA for decades, mainly sent there for DWI’s. Last time I went there in 2021, there were no “Old Timers” with decades of sobriety anymore, they had left ,or passed away No more Really “Cool People “, either.. No one there had any sobriety, no one was able to get anywhere over a few months,or weeks. The people had more problems than ever that spoke and it looked like most of them had bad mental issues.AA was more like a Mental Hospital from the groups I visited both in person meetings and online.
    These people that went to AA , lately I saw were Like Scary in a Psycho, Mental,,Serial Killer kind of way,they were creepy and I used to hang around with the dredges of Society in Biker Bars,Honky Tonks and,yes Dope Houses . These new AA’s were like from a Freak Show!
    AA No Thanks!


  23. Finally, someone with the balls to stand up to those assholes! I’m not powerless over alcohol, my life is perfectly manageable, there is no power greater than me, and I sure as hell ain’t insane! And all that bullshit about God, love, tolerance, and helping others made me want to vomit. I fully expected them to shave my head, give me a sheet and a tambourine, then force me to hand out their propaganda at the corner bar. I hope I’m able to be deprogrammed after 15 years of being held hostage by this group of temperance Nazis. Because I’m pretty sure this peace of mind, happiness, and freedom, is all some sort of elaborate gaslighting, brainwashed hallucination. The same kind I used to have when I was on the bathroom floor, in a puddle of my own piss, looking down on those weak-willed alcoholics. I hope to soon get back to that wonderful life of unrealistic expectations, grandiose ideas, and then pitiful and incomprehensible demoralization. But at least it was all about me. Cheers!


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